Ya ukhti..
andai hidup tidak dihadiri lelaki , tidak bermaksud diri tidak diingini. usah khuatir kerana cinta Allah itu pasti, Allah memelihara hati & jiwa daripada dikecewakan & didatangi penyakit (riak).
wanita yang sentiasa menjadi dambaan lelaki adalah wanita yang longgar jagaannya oleh Allah , atau Allah sedang menguji dengan penyakit hati.
dekatkan diri dengan Illahi , pasti cinta kau temui , usah diharap insan yang kau sendiri tidak pasti . diamkan lelaki yang kau sukai , berdoa pada Illahi. InsyaAllah kau pasti dicari. jagalah hubungan dengan Allah & Allah pasti akan mnjagamu .
semoga Allah SWT permudahkan segala urusan kita & menganugerahkan kita pasangan yang melabuhkan cintanya kepada Pencipta. Amin ^_^
alhamdulillah 'ala kulli hal... ;)
"ya Tuhan kami, sesungguhnya Engkau mengetahui apa yang kami sembunyikan dan apa yang kami tampakkan; dan tidak ada sesuatu pun yang tersembunyi bagi Allah, baik yang ada di bumi mahupun yang ada di langit" Ibrahim 14: 38
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
He's never far away.. ;)
Ketika ku bersedih…
Kepada siapa aku harus mengadu…
Ketika hatiku lara…
Kepada siapa aku menyalah…
Hanya ada Allah ta’ala disampingku, yang selalu memberiku kekuatan…
Memberi ku harapan akan terangnya dunia ini
Ketika aku bersedih…
Ingatlah tentang ini :
Kenapa Rasa Frustasi?
Al-Qur’an menjawab :
“Janganlah kamu bersikap lemah dan jangan pula kamu bersedih hati, padahal kamu lah orang2 yang paling tinggi derajatnya jika kamu orang2 yang beriman” (Surat Al-Imran : 139)
Kenapa Aku tidak mendapat apa yang aku idamkan?
Al-Quran menjawab :
“Boleh jadi kamu membenci sesuatu padahal ia amat sangat baik bagi mu, dan boleh jadi pula kamu menyukai sesuatu, padahal ia sangat buruk bagimu, Allah mengetahui sedang kamu tidak mengetahui (Surat Al-Baqarah : 216)
Kenapa aku di uji?
Al-Quran menjawab :
“Apakah manusia itu mengira bahwa mereka dibiarkan saja mengatakan :”Kami telah beriman” sedang mereka tidak diuji? Dan sesungguhnya kami telah menguji orang-orang yang sebelum mereka, maka sesungguhnya dia mengetahui orang2 yang benar dan dia mengetahui orang2 yg dusta” (Surat Al-Ankabut : 2-3)
Aku tak tahan!!
Al-Quran menjawab :
“…dan janganlah kamu berputus asa dari rahmat Allah. Sesungguhnya tiada berputus asa dari rahmat Allah melainkan kaum kafir” (Surat Yusuf : 12)
Kenapa Ujian Seberat ini?
Al-Qur’an menjawab :
“Allah tidak membebani seseorang itu melainkan sesuai dengan kesanggupannya” (Surat Al-Baqarah : 286)
Dan bagaimana aku harus menghadapinya?
Al-Qur’an menjawab :
“Dan mintalah pertolongan (kepada Allah) dengan jalan sabar dan mengerjakan shalat dan sesungguhnya shalat itu amatlah berat kecuali kepada orang2 yang khusyuk”(surat Al-Baqarah : 45)
Kepada siapa aku berharap?
Al-Quran menjawab :
“Cukuplah Allah bagiku, tidak ada tuhan selain dari Nya. Hanya kepada Nya aku bertawakal” (surat At-Taubah : 129)
Apa yang aku dapat dari semua ini?
Al-Quran menjawab :
“Sesungguhnya Allah telah membeli dari orang-orang mu’min, diri dan harta mereka dengan memberikan syurga untuk mereka…” (surat At-Taubah : 111)
Dan selalu ingatlah ini :
“… Allah SWT tidak menjanjikan langit itu selalu biru, bunga selalu mekar dan mentari selalu bersinar. Tapi ketahuilah bahwa Dia selalu memberi pelangi disetiap badai, senyum disetiap air mata, berkah disetiap cobaan dan jawaban disetiap doa…”
alhamdulillah... :')
to me, u, and us..
Wahai anak-anakku, telah tiba saatnya kalian kembali kepada ALLAH swt dengan meninggalkan pelbagai keseronokan dan kealpaan kehidupan dan menyingkirkannya jauh daripada kehidupan kalian. Telah tiba saatnya kalian bangun dan melakukan solat subuh secara berjemaah.
Sudah sampai saatnya untuk kalian menghiasi diri dengan akhlak yang mulia, mengamalkan kandungan al-Quran serta mencontohi kehidupan Nabi Muhammad saw. Aku menyeru kalian wahai anak-anakku untuk solat tepat pada waktunya. Lebih dari itu, aku mengajak kalian wahai anak-anakku, untuk mendekat diri kepada sunnah Nabi kalian yang agung.
Wahai para pemuda, aku ingin kalian menyedari dan menghayati makna tanggung jawab. Kalian harus tegar menghadapi kesulitan hidup dengan meninggalkan keluh kesah. Aku menyeru kalian untuk menghadap ALLAH SWT dan memohon keampunan dari-Nya agar Dia memberi rezeki yang berkat kepada kalian. Aku menyeru kalian supaya menghormati orang yang lebih tua dan menyayangi orang yang lebih muda.
Aku ingin kalian tidak tertidur oleh alunan-alunan muzik yang melalaikan, melupakan kata-kata yang menyebutkan cinta kepada manusia dan dunia serta menggantikannya dengan kata amal, kerja dan zikir kepada ALLAH. Wahai anak-anakku, aku amat berharap kalian tidak sibuk dengan muzik dan tidak terjerumus ke dalam arus syahwat. Wahai puteriku, aku ingin kalian berjanji kepada ALLAH akan mengenakan hijab secara jujur dan betul.
Aku meminta kalian berjanji kepada ALLAH bahawa kalian akan mengambil peduli tentang agama dan Nabi kalian yang mulia. Jadikanlah ibunda kalian, Khadijah dan Aisyah, sebagai teladan. Jadikan mereka sebagai pelita hidup kalian. Haram hukumnya bagi kalian untuk melakukan sesuatu yang boleh menarik perhatian pemuda supaya mendekati kalian.Kepada semua, aku ingin kalian bersiap sedia untuk menghadapi segala sesuatu yang akan datang. Bersiaplah dengan agama dan ilmu pengetahuan.
Bersiaplah untuk belajar dan mencari hikmah. Belajarlah bagaimana hidup dalam kegelapan yang pekat. Latihlah diri kalian agar dapat hidup tanpa elektrik dan peralatan elektronik. Latihlah diri kalian untuk sementara waktu merasakan kehidupan yang sukar. Biasakan diri kalian agar dapat melindungi diri dan membuat perancangan untuk masa depan. Berpeganglah kepada agama kalian. carilah sebab-sebabnya dan tawakal kepada ALLAH.
mommy.. mommy.. ^^
Don’t teach your daughter how to dance,
Teach her how to offer salah..
Don’t teach her how to sing,
Teach her how to recite Quran..
Don’t beautify her with makeup
buT with Hijab...
Don’t let her take actresses or singers as her role model in life
buT Teach her that mothers of believers are the best example a Muslimah should follow..
You will be questioned about everything you teach her on Judgment Day, the Day on which “A man flee from his brother, and from his mother and his father” (according to Quran)
So try your best to raise her on Islamic teachings ...
Don’t teach her how to sing,
Teach her how to recite Quran..
Don’t beautify her with makeup
buT with Hijab...
Don’t let her take actresses or singers as her role model in life
buT Teach her that mothers of believers are the best example a Muslimah should follow..
You will be questioned about everything you teach her on Judgment Day, the Day on which “A man flee from his brother, and from his mother and his father” (according to Quran)
So try your best to raise her on Islamic teachings ...
Friday, April 20, 2012
al- Aqsa.. the fact..
Masjid al-Aqsa bukanlah masjid Umar (kubah hitam) dan bukan pula kubah sakhrah (kubah kuning).
Sebaliknya masjid al-Aqsa ialah kawasan yang di kelilingi tembok yang terdapat padanya dua bangunan utama iaitu Masjid Umar (kubah hitam) dan Kubah Sakhrah (kubah kuning) dan pelbagai bangunan lain yang terdapat padanya. Ini bererti tembok buraq; masjid Buraq (atau disebut sebagai 'the western wall) dan Masjid Djin (yang terdapat dalam kawasan kompleks masjid al- Aqsa) juga adalah sebahagian dari Masjid al-Aqsa.
Ketika Rasulullah SAW mengerjakan solat pada malam isra' mikraj dan menjadi imam kepada ratusan ribu nabi dan rasul, maka seluruh perkarangan iaitu kawasan yang di kelilingi tembok empat penjuru yang di dalamnya terdapat masjid Umar dan kubah sakhrah (kedua-duanya belum dibina pada waktu itu) dipenuhi jamaah para ruh nabi dan rasul yang mulia. Maka perkarangan ini seluruhnya adalah masjid al aqsa. Luas kawasan ini ialah 144,000 meter persegi iaitu 1/6 dari kawasan yang disebut sebagai kota lama (old city) Baitul Maqdis.
Kubah sakhrah dijadikan simbol kepada masjid al-Aqsa kerana kedudukannya di tengah kompleks masjid al-Aqsa dan kelihatan sebagai mercu tanda yang jelas dari kejauhan. Kerana itu banyak NGO dan pertubuhan yang menjadikan kubah sakhrah sebagai logo dan simbol perjuangan pembebasan masjid al-Aqsa. Bahkan HAMAS sendiri menggunakan kubah sakhrah sebagai logo pertubuhan mereka (di pamerkan di sini). Kataib (Briged) Izzuddin al-Qassam (sayap bersenjata HAMAS) juga menggunakan logo kubah skahrah.
Penggunaan kubah sakharah sebagai logo masjid al-aqsa dan perjuangan Palestin bukan agenda Zionis dan bukan terperangkap dengan tipu daya zionis yahudi. Ia diambil sebagai lambang kerana kedudukannya di tengah kompleks Masjid al-Aqsa yang menyerlah dan begitu sinonim dengan masjid al-Aqsa
Maka diperjelaskan di sini Masjid al-Aqsa bukan bagunan-bangunan yang ada di perkarangannya (samada kubah sakhrah atau masjid Umar yang disebut sebagai masjid aqsa) tetapi kawasan yang dikelilingi oleh tembok yang menempatkan kedua-dua bangunan masjid dan bangunan-bangunan lain di situ.
Pengerusi Aqsa Syarif
Sebaliknya masjid al-Aqsa ialah kawasan yang di kelilingi tembok yang terdapat padanya dua bangunan utama iaitu Masjid Umar (kubah hitam) dan Kubah Sakhrah (kubah kuning) dan pelbagai bangunan lain yang terdapat padanya. Ini bererti tembok buraq; masjid Buraq (atau disebut sebagai 'the western wall) dan Masjid Djin (yang terdapat dalam kawasan kompleks masjid al- Aqsa) juga adalah sebahagian dari Masjid al-Aqsa.
Ketika Rasulullah SAW mengerjakan solat pada malam isra' mikraj dan menjadi imam kepada ratusan ribu nabi dan rasul, maka seluruh perkarangan iaitu kawasan yang di kelilingi tembok empat penjuru yang di dalamnya terdapat masjid Umar dan kubah sakhrah (kedua-duanya belum dibina pada waktu itu) dipenuhi jamaah para ruh nabi dan rasul yang mulia. Maka perkarangan ini seluruhnya adalah masjid al aqsa. Luas kawasan ini ialah 144,000 meter persegi iaitu 1/6 dari kawasan yang disebut sebagai kota lama (old city) Baitul Maqdis.
Kubah sakhrah dijadikan simbol kepada masjid al-Aqsa kerana kedudukannya di tengah kompleks masjid al-Aqsa dan kelihatan sebagai mercu tanda yang jelas dari kejauhan. Kerana itu banyak NGO dan pertubuhan yang menjadikan kubah sakhrah sebagai logo dan simbol perjuangan pembebasan masjid al-Aqsa. Bahkan HAMAS sendiri menggunakan kubah sakhrah sebagai logo pertubuhan mereka (di pamerkan di sini). Kataib (Briged) Izzuddin al-Qassam (sayap bersenjata HAMAS) juga menggunakan logo kubah skahrah.
Penggunaan kubah sakharah sebagai logo masjid al-aqsa dan perjuangan Palestin bukan agenda Zionis dan bukan terperangkap dengan tipu daya zionis yahudi. Ia diambil sebagai lambang kerana kedudukannya di tengah kompleks Masjid al-Aqsa yang menyerlah dan begitu sinonim dengan masjid al-Aqsa
Maka diperjelaskan di sini Masjid al-Aqsa bukan bagunan-bangunan yang ada di perkarangannya (samada kubah sakhrah atau masjid Umar yang disebut sebagai masjid aqsa) tetapi kawasan yang dikelilingi oleh tembok yang menempatkan kedua-dua bangunan masjid dan bangunan-bangunan lain di situ.
Sunday, April 1, 2012
something to ponder.
GMJ- "Human Rights and Palestine: Why We Care and Why We are Important"
by Ooi Kok Hin.
*2nd Year student,Political Science, American Degree Transfer Program, Taylor's University College
Good evening Mr and Mrs Chairperson, distinguished guests, ladies, and gentlemen. I am honored to be given an opportunity to speak here tonight and I would like to thank the organizers for the opportunity and for having this wonderful and meaningful event.
Imagine that you are now at your home; with all your family members, happily living together under one roof. Then one day, a group of people comes to your house, armed with guns and MK-16 rifles, points at you and orders you and your family members to leave your house at once. With nowhere to go, with no permanent shelter, little money and food, some of your family members starve, some of your family members get robbed and terrorized by outlaws, and some of your family members get killed because he or she wants to protect you, the children, the young people, leaders of tomorrow.
This is not just an imaginary situation. Thousands of families have been broken up in Palestine. Families destroyed, broken dreams, kids wandering about without the love of their parents and their lives consigned to seeking protection, constantly running away from their prosecutors. Ladies and gentlemen, tonight I would like to address two questions that people have been asking us: why we care and why we are important.
I have been trying to ask many of my friends, what their thoughts and opinions on the Palestine issue are. What surprised me is that some of them feel that this is completely a religious issue; sparked by religious conflict; a tension between two religions.
I am a Buddhist, and I am a human being and I feel that they couldn’t be more off the mark in this issue. This is a human rights issue. When someone pointed gun at you and ordered you to flee, forcing you to become refugees and seizing your property, isn’t that a human rights issue?
We the people, are born with certain inalienable rights; the rights to life, liberty and property. And no one, no government in this world, no regime can take these natural rights away from us. So when the rights of the people of Palestine have been reduced to next to nothing by their oppressors, there is absolutely no reason not to see this as a violation of the United Nations’ Human Rights agreement.
We the people, share collective interests as human beings. When one part of the world is weakened, it affects us all. We are our brothers’ keepers and we look out for each other. This is what sharing the world means. Of course it is a much easier choice if you just sit at home and be an armchair critic. But if we are serious in following the advice of Mahatma Gandhi, that is to be the change that we want to see in this world, we cannot ignore conflict. We cannot ignore the source of conflict in Palestine.
We need to face and confront this issue together. It is only when citizens of the world unite and show that we indeed care about this issue that we start to see people in power taking action. So get your friends, Muslims, Christians, Buddhists, Hindus, Atheists, Jews, people of all races and religions in different parts of the world and bring their attention to this human rights issue. Get them together to demand justice, action and freedom for the people of Palestine!
This leads to my next point: why are you important to the Palestinians. Do you know why people commit suicide? It is that dreadful feeling of being all alone on your own. That there is no brighter tomorrow. And nobody cares.
But we are here tonight to show the people of Palestine that they are not alone. We are here tonight to show the people of Palestine that we care! We are here tonight to show them that there are millions of people around the world that support them! Do not give up! That is our message to them!
You serve a purpose by being here; you give them assurance, you give them hope, and you give them the courage to carry on.
In conclusion, this is a human rights issue that deserves our attention and we the citizens of the world play a very important role in giving hope and courage to the people of Palestine. This is not a one night fight. This fight will not end when you go to sleep tonight. You must be committed and have the stamina to continue to support this cause for as long as you can.
Just remember that this is not an impossible dream. The blacks were once widely discriminated, but people like Martin Luther King and Nelson Mandela keep fighting. And when the world recognized their fight, freedom reigns in their lands.
So let freedom reigns in the land of Palestine. Let freedom reigns in Gaza. Let freedom reigns in the holy city of Jerusalem. And one day when we let freedom reigns, the world shall see Muslim children, Christian children, Jewish children and people of all parts of the world joining hands together and we can finally say to the the people of Palestine, “free at last! Free at last! Thank God al-mighty we are free at last!”
Thank you!
*SHOULD watch the video, guys. seriously.
alhamdulillah 'ala kulli hal...
GMJ- "Human Rights and Palestine: Why We Care and Why We are Important"
by Ooi Kok Hin.
*2nd Year student,Political Science, American Degree Transfer Program, Taylor's University College
Good evening Mr and Mrs Chairperson, distinguished guests, ladies, and gentlemen. I am honored to be given an opportunity to speak here tonight and I would like to thank the organizers for the opportunity and for having this wonderful and meaningful event.
Imagine that you are now at your home; with all your family members, happily living together under one roof. Then one day, a group of people comes to your house, armed with guns and MK-16 rifles, points at you and orders you and your family members to leave your house at once. With nowhere to go, with no permanent shelter, little money and food, some of your family members starve, some of your family members get robbed and terrorized by outlaws, and some of your family members get killed because he or she wants to protect you, the children, the young people, leaders of tomorrow.
This is not just an imaginary situation. Thousands of families have been broken up in Palestine. Families destroyed, broken dreams, kids wandering about without the love of their parents and their lives consigned to seeking protection, constantly running away from their prosecutors. Ladies and gentlemen, tonight I would like to address two questions that people have been asking us: why we care and why we are important.
I have been trying to ask many of my friends, what their thoughts and opinions on the Palestine issue are. What surprised me is that some of them feel that this is completely a religious issue; sparked by religious conflict; a tension between two religions.
I am a Buddhist, and I am a human being and I feel that they couldn’t be more off the mark in this issue. This is a human rights issue. When someone pointed gun at you and ordered you to flee, forcing you to become refugees and seizing your property, isn’t that a human rights issue?
We the people, are born with certain inalienable rights; the rights to life, liberty and property. And no one, no government in this world, no regime can take these natural rights away from us. So when the rights of the people of Palestine have been reduced to next to nothing by their oppressors, there is absolutely no reason not to see this as a violation of the United Nations’ Human Rights agreement.
We the people, share collective interests as human beings. When one part of the world is weakened, it affects us all. We are our brothers’ keepers and we look out for each other. This is what sharing the world means. Of course it is a much easier choice if you just sit at home and be an armchair critic. But if we are serious in following the advice of Mahatma Gandhi, that is to be the change that we want to see in this world, we cannot ignore conflict. We cannot ignore the source of conflict in Palestine.
We need to face and confront this issue together. It is only when citizens of the world unite and show that we indeed care about this issue that we start to see people in power taking action. So get your friends, Muslims, Christians, Buddhists, Hindus, Atheists, Jews, people of all races and religions in different parts of the world and bring their attention to this human rights issue. Get them together to demand justice, action and freedom for the people of Palestine!
This leads to my next point: why are you important to the Palestinians. Do you know why people commit suicide? It is that dreadful feeling of being all alone on your own. That there is no brighter tomorrow. And nobody cares.
But we are here tonight to show the people of Palestine that they are not alone. We are here tonight to show the people of Palestine that we care! We are here tonight to show them that there are millions of people around the world that support them! Do not give up! That is our message to them!
You serve a purpose by being here; you give them assurance, you give them hope, and you give them the courage to carry on.
In conclusion, this is a human rights issue that deserves our attention and we the citizens of the world play a very important role in giving hope and courage to the people of Palestine. This is not a one night fight. This fight will not end when you go to sleep tonight. You must be committed and have the stamina to continue to support this cause for as long as you can.
Just remember that this is not an impossible dream. The blacks were once widely discriminated, but people like Martin Luther King and Nelson Mandela keep fighting. And when the world recognized their fight, freedom reigns in their lands.
So let freedom reigns in the land of Palestine. Let freedom reigns in Gaza. Let freedom reigns in the holy city of Jerusalem. And one day when we let freedom reigns, the world shall see Muslim children, Christian children, Jewish children and people of all parts of the world joining hands together and we can finally say to the the people of Palestine, “free at last! Free at last! Thank God al-mighty we are free at last!”
Thank you!
*SHOULD watch the video, guys. seriously.
alhamdulillah 'ala kulli hal...
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ALLAH know!
"dan Dialah y menidurkan kamu pada mlm hari dan Dia mengetahui apa y kamu kerjakan pada siang hari. kemudian Dia membangunkan kamu pada siang hari utk disempurnakan umurmu y telah ditetapkan. kemudian kepadaNya tempat kamu kembali, lalu Dia memberitahukan kepadamu apa y tlh kamu kerjakan." Al-An'am 6: 60
motivating one-self!~
"la yukallifullahu nafsan illa wus'aha"
Allah tidak membebani seseorang melainkan sesuai dengan kesanggupannya" al-Baqarah 2: 286
~~kadang kala Allah sembunyikan matahari, Dia datangkan petir dan kilat.. kita tertanya-tanya, kemana hilangnya mentari?? rupa-rupanya Allah gantikannya dengan sang pelangi yang indah... ^_^