Friday, September 28, 2018

Reduce that toxic level. Please

This past 4 weeks, im attached to this one tertiary hospital where there are consultants, specialists, registrars, MOs and of course the one on spotlight nowadays 'THE HOUSE OFFICER/HOUSEMAN/HO'.

Its indeed a very short duration but i've been called the 'guarding angel' by the 1st posting HOs. Why?

1st: When they present the case to me during round, I correct the way they summarize the case, which point to present and not to present, their intonation, etc. Later when the specialists or consultant come for round, while presenting they will take a sneak peek and making eye contact with me to make sure they present the case correctly or not. LOL.

2nd: when they get scolded for their mistakes, i would later go to them and say why they have been scolded. Which area they are lacking and which area to improve. Not to demotivate them but to ensure they got that learning points to keep rather than thinking about that scolding moment. That upsetting felling of being scolded. Who likes to be scolded? No one.

3rd: i compliment them when i see their improvement. Such tinny improvement is enough. Such as prioritizing which tasks to do 1st. Taking blood or get consent for op. Where to look for old notes if the patient just recently discharge and will have TCA with the outpatient clinic that coming week. You know, that critical thinking. That correct judgement.

4th: Instead of scolding them afterward if the jobs not done, i explained to them 1st. if they take blood 1st, send to lab & later get the consent, wouldnt it be way effective as the blood result will be out earlier and when specialist come to review, all parameters already available. And futher plan can be made. Right?

5th: i give a little pieace of hope to those who might think of quitting. Those 1st posters that have been tagging for 20days++ straight. As crazy as it sound, who wouldnt be exhausted if they have been working since 5/6am till 10/11pm every single day without any day off? Plus all those nagging, scolding, screaming from their superior? And those mistakes and new experience they just gain. My God. Especially those young working mothers who just started their HOship. EBM and engorgement? whole night taking care of the baby and next day need to work the entire day? Both husband and wife just started HOship? Who wouldnt think of quitting? I would.

But since ive passed the stage and the memories is still vividly clear, i told them, if they think of quitting, do it when they have passed the tagging phase. Do it when the mind and body are in healthy state. Dont make any decision in emotionally, physically, mentally unstable state. Never. Why? Because that time it is the exhaustion that push you to make the decision, not your heart and mind. Most of them later on will regret it once they have been in stable state. Seriously.

But I do respect those that have made up their mind to quit HOship because it takes up a lot of courage to do so. To take risk and embark on new journey. Amazing.

6th: I personally asked them if they have eat/pray/EBM or not (accordingly). Give them some 'human' moment please. They are not robot.

And the list will go on..

Why would i even bother to guide them? To brag? To felt superior? To be praised? To get their attention? To bully them later? Nope. nope. nope.

 Because i've been in their shoes before, and i DONT WANT anyone to felt that way too. But its not possible. Thus at least the vicious cycle stop at me. My little contribution.

But who doesnt been in their shoes before? Which consultant/specialist/registrar/medical officer never been a HO before?

Anyway, i have this set of thinking, if you cant do good to people, dont do any harm please. Reduce that toxic level.

*Maybe later on there is something i can contribute to change this dissapointing culture. Who knows.

To those who suffer, may God bless you. To those who induce other people suffering, may God guide you.

Muhsina Hassan
Lil MO (in height)
28 sept 2018

Thursday, September 27, 2018

Good doctor

"May God guide you in any path that you take. You are a good doctor."

That words sir. Enough to make my heart swell up with hope and joy.

God bless you sir.

HSJ carpark
27 sept 2018
Post call. Last day.

Moving forward


Its already been 3 weeks++ since i started my attachment in this tertiary centre. The experience is valuable and priceless. Indeed i enjoy the time. The lessons and the different teaching of surgeons. Their thoughts and their ideas. Never enough to satisfy your hunger for knowledge, your thirst for new things.

But it also teach me the harsh reality of life.
U can work your as* off and nobody cares.
U can do slight mistake and boom, u are doomed.

People refer nonsense cases. U know its non of your jurisdiction but since you have been referred and its your responsibility (because your boss said so) so you still need to see the cases.
Regardless the outcome; it is your case or not, people dont give slightest concern. They have referred the team and the team reviewed. DONE. Any thought of it might benefits the patient? Yeah maybe. 0.01% it might benefit the patients. But who cares. Ive done my part and its no longer my responsibility.

Yup come across too many similar situations like this one. Irritates me. Annoys me. Upsets me. But yeah. Who cares. You dont want to accept, u wait for it. Im gonna screw you, smack u, punch u till u surrender. Still any benefits for patient? Yeah maybe plus another 0.01%.

Condemning other department? Yeah we do it often. Surgical condemning medical. Medical backlashes ortho. Paeds badmouthing O&G. ED hates anaest. And that viscious cycle continue. Till when? God knows. Such negative environment. For God sake. *facepalm.

Supposedly another 1 month to go but i got my transfer. Alhamdulillah.

New environment. Different jobscope.

Primary care, public health. 1st impression. Boring. Not challenging.


attitude related illnesess, disease caused by lifestyle, high risk behaviour.

It all should be prevented from primary setting. Prevention is better than cure. Cure is better than prevent complication. Yup. After 4 years of clinical years, i bet its time to buckle up and prepare to face the battle in 1sthand. The primary defense.

On the added positive values....

No more mortality meeting, internal enquiries, finding faults, blaming games, etc.

I rest my case.

Paperwork vs human attitude? U judge.

#mayAllahbless #mayAllahguide

Decision making


The steps feel heavy but the heart feel at ease.
Leaving behind things you have interest in never feels right, but the thought of spending time with people you love is the best reason ever.

Decision making.
Not to be made when the heart in pain, nor when the heart in too much joy.

Leaving, saying good bye. Never a joy.
Adapting, assimilating. A prove of easier saying than doing.

Found a great teacher. A guru. A master. An idol. The footsteps that show guidance. An urge to follow,but a tidal to swallow.
Running, chasing one dream is a thing. Reality and responsibility is another.
Not everyone has similar path to walk through.
Nor everyone developed similar passion and strength to continue.

I have made the decision. Yet to find out the outcome.

Happiness and suffering come simultaneously. Yet it teach a valuable lessons. to pursue or not to pursue.

Dreams are made to be turned into reality. Or its a sweet fantasy that pushes you to go through the harsh reality.

Reality check. Ask the heart what matter most and definitive answer is there. Juggling is not the cup of coffee. Nor sacrificing.

In the end. Decision making is not one to decide. Its the qada' & qadr of The God Almighty.


Ive made one decision rushingly before and the result is catastrophic. Now ive given such long duration to think and choose. Alhamdulillah it might not be the best, yet im glad its done after much thorough thinking.

PS: good day Penang! almost 2 years and its hello Kedah. 😎

*Yet to discover bigger world and unknown future.

#alhamdulillah # #mayAllahease #mayAllahbless #mayAllahguide #mayAllah protect

ALLAH know!

"dan Dialah y menidurkan kamu pada mlm hari dan Dia mengetahui apa y kamu kerjakan pada siang hari. kemudian Dia membangunkan kamu pada siang hari utk disempurnakan umurmu y telah ditetapkan. kemudian kepadaNya tempat kamu kembali, lalu Dia memberitahukan kepadamu apa y tlh kamu kerjakan." Al-An'am 6: 60

motivating one-self!~

"la yukallifullahu nafsan illa wus'aha"
Allah tidak membebani seseorang melainkan sesuai dengan kesanggupannya" al-Baqarah 2: 286

~~kadang kala Allah sembunyikan matahari, Dia datangkan petir dan kilat.. kita tertanya-tanya, kemana hilangnya mentari?? rupa-rupanya Allah gantikannya dengan sang pelangi yang indah... ^_^