Saturday, January 20, 2018



Last week i was given the opportunity to attent this one national conference that involved world renowned surgeons in their own specialities. One word to describe the experience. MINDBLOWN.

Sitting in that hall with those speakers was an amazing experience. Listening to their experiences, specialities, new discoveries, newly-developed techniques and all. Fuh. Subhanallah. All praise is to Allah. how great is Allah's creation. It is He who created the human being with all the complicated body structures; including the master control : the BRAIN.  how amazing that jelly-like structure that easily liquified once our body stop functioning. Ever see the brain of death man? Yeah think of beautiful newly made tofu then smash it! The structure after you smashed it. The smashed tofu. Yup just like that. How vulnerable the brain are in physically. But function-wise. Subhanallah. With extensive use, instead of worned out, it will become more critical and analytical as it can be. Superb.

Back to the main topic. Sitting with those giants make me feel like a small ant. With no experience, no credential, not known to anyone makes me feel so tiny and meaningless.

To be like them surely takes a lot of effort. Time, energy, money, youth, health and all. All of that makes me swimming through my thoughts. is it possible to be like them? To be one of them? To go through what they have gone through? To sacrifice anything or everything that possibly become a hurdle? Or the BIG question is.. am i WILLING to do so?

If anyone ask me, what is my main focus in life? The definite answer is my family. I want to be happy with my family in Dunya n Akhirah. To be able to sit with them, enjoy the moment, spending quality time and enjoy that feeling of satisfaction. But what is my goal in life? It makes me think again. Isnt it to please Allah and be blessed by Him? Then, what is the criteria to be one of those He love? Subhanallah. Too many criterias. And it doesnt fixed to 1,2,3. There are so many ways to please Him.

Then it makes me wonder again and again, how to live our life to please Him? Is it do things that we love but makes sure according to His greenlight? Or is it to do things that He asked us to do and be happy bout it?

A lot of things that cross my mind right now and i really dont think i can straighten it right now.

Slowly but keep on moving Muhsina. One best thing you can do is; just keep swimming, just keep swimming, swimming, swimming, swimming.

Alhamdulillah ala kulli hal. Will be back for sure. IA.

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ALLAH know!

"dan Dialah y menidurkan kamu pada mlm hari dan Dia mengetahui apa y kamu kerjakan pada siang hari. kemudian Dia membangunkan kamu pada siang hari utk disempurnakan umurmu y telah ditetapkan. kemudian kepadaNya tempat kamu kembali, lalu Dia memberitahukan kepadamu apa y tlh kamu kerjakan." Al-An'am 6: 60

motivating one-self!~

"la yukallifullahu nafsan illa wus'aha"
Allah tidak membebani seseorang melainkan sesuai dengan kesanggupannya" al-Baqarah 2: 286

~~kadang kala Allah sembunyikan matahari, Dia datangkan petir dan kilat.. kita tertanya-tanya, kemana hilangnya mentari?? rupa-rupanya Allah gantikannya dengan sang pelangi yang indah... ^_^